One month later, Zeke succeeds and records a message to his colleagues and siblings who never believed in him and told them how he had done it and finally succeeded, but before he finsished his sentence the black hole fully opened and sucked him in. He then 10 seconds later starts to feel pressure and loses mobility and all movement. All of a sudden, he appears in a white blank space, no other color and then spit out into a red planet. He looks around and figures he is on Mars, but has no helmet. He discovers the planet Mars has been terraformed. Zeke meets a man and the man mocks him for his phone and says, "You need a new(x3) phone, this is 2100, thats a 2018 model." Zeke wondering how he will get back, all of sudden is sucked in by the black hole. Zeke ends up in a familiar city 30 seconds later and he sees his parents look alikes driving and then they crash. A small boy runs over, screaming and cryig in tears and he saw himself as a 14 year old boy. He relives his parents death when his parents died by their car flipping over. The black hole comes back again randomly and sucks him up. He feels the same effects as when he enters and is spit back into his basement. He returns to Earth and was in shock. He finally snaps out it and starts working on a fromula to control the black hole and its where abouts. Zeke was the first one to discover what black holes do and time travel. Zeke now has the hardest and biggest decision of his life.
AShare your findings and become the greatest and most extrodinary scientist in the world
Keep the machine hidden and use for yourself and secretly become an actual superhero and help others in the past, present, and future.